How Can Workplace Discrimination Be Prevented?

December 2020

Workplace discrimination is treating some employees in the workplace less favorably than others because of personal characteristics that are beyond their control, like race, gender, religion, age, or similar. The law makes discrimination prevention mandatory, but it is also a good policy for creating better employee motivation and morale. Even if the discrimination is not directly caused by the employer but is instead caused by other workers, the employer is still obligated to deal with the problem effectively. There are both federal and state laws that deal with the topic of employment discrimination, and penalties for violating these laws can be high.

Employee Education and Written Policies

It is crucial for an employer to create a company culture and environment that celebrates diversity and that values the contributions made by employees of different races, genders and other similar types of characteristics. One important way of doing this is to provide continuing education about what constitutes discrimination and what sort of disciplinary actions will be taken should it arise. Discrimination among employees puts the employer and the entire company in legal jeopardy and can destroy its reputation. Training and clear written policies regarding discrimination in the workplace are essential for maintaining a healthy business culture. Employees should not be fearful of approaching their employers about potentially troublesome discrimination issues.

Open Communication and Consistency

When complaints of discrimination arise in a workplace setting, there should be consistent policies and procedures in place for handling them quickly and effectively. All employee complaints should be investigated by someone from the Human Resources department or from a professional consultant or attorney. If an employer believes that an employee may be experiencing discrimination, the employer should approach that employee and communicate openly and honestly to try and overcome any feelings of intimidation or fear that the employee may have. All employees should be treated in the same manner and should be given a copy of a written employee handbook that outlines expectations.

Call to Schedule a Consultation With a California Employment Discrimination Defense Lawyer Today

If you’re an employer who wants to learn more about ways to prevent employee complaints of discrimination, call to schedule a consultation with a California employment discrimination defense lawyer today. The legal professionals at the Straggas Law Group, APC are dedicated to helping you make your workplace legally compliant with all anti-discrimination laws.  We serve the cities of Irvine, Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Costa Mesa and surrounding Orange County communities. Visit our website at or give us a call at 949-660-9100 and let us help you create a strong workplace culture that motivates and protects all of your employees.

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